Fortuna Clip-on Bluetooth GPS for the Sharp Zaurus


* Zaurus C760; original 1.20 JP ROM
* Ambicom Air2Net BT2000-CF Bluetooth CF card
* Fortuna Clip-on Bluetooth GPS
* Bluez Bluetooth driver 2.3-2.4.18b binary for Sharp 3.10 ROM

This setup is mostly a commentary on Colin Pinkney's instructions (here), as described under the heading "Setting up an internet connection to a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone". I had to reset the Zaurus a few times to get it working, but overall the process wasn't too frustrating. It took about 4 hours - hopefully less for someone reading this!

When creating the new PPP-IRDA entry via the Network screens, I only added a useful value for the Name field. I modified the IRDA* file in /etc/ppp/peers to be like the BT-LINUX file in that same directory:

remotename IRDA1069634798

The "sdptool browse" command displayed the MAC address for the GPS unit but not the channel, so I just used "1" for the channel.

Here is my /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf, which based on a posting at Zaurus DevNet:

rfcomm0 {
# Automatically bind the device at startup
bind yes;
# Bluetooth address of the device - get from 'hcitool scan'
device xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;
# RFCOMM channel for the connection
channel 1;
# Description of the connection
comment "ClipOn-BTGPS";

qpeGPS works OK for me with this setup.

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